From exit to outguiding

“Firing people is one of the worst parts of running a company. Actually, in my own experience, I think it’s the worst.” ~Sam Altman

The insights of BasicProfileScreen can help to facilitate this conversation.

Giving someone more insight in his or her intrinsic motivation and skills will help them go and do what they love.

This helps you to go from exit to outguiding.

Want to know more? Contact us!

Homework: a blessing for everyone?

(Partially) working from home is the new normal for many. There are many advantages to working from home. You don’t spend hours in traffic jams, it can provide a better work-life balance and you can work more flexibly.

Some people experience working from home as a blessing, but this does not apply to everyone.

Some people will be happy to work from home and their motivation & performance curve will rise. But, be careful: you can punish some people with it and their performance curve will decrease, and even worse, they will eventually look for other (more social) places…

“In other words, be careful with the ‘gift’ of working from home!

How do you find out who experiences working from home as a gift?

Thanks to the results of the BasicProfileScreen® personality test, we can now measure who experiences working from home as a blessing. Based on these results, you can make an optimal allocation of who you allow to work from home and who you allow to work (on a regular basis) in the office. This ‘homework-match’ is also included in our extensive report.

Want more information about BasicProfileScreen®? You can find it here!

Would you like to know more? Contact us here!

Applications BasicProfileScreen

The results of personality test BasicProfileScreen can be applied in different ways in all steps of your HR process.

The job-fit match is the most commonly used application. It allows you to identify the professional personality of both candidates and employees and to check whether the job matches the person’s competences and intrinsic motivation.

Recently, the homework match was added. This match shows to what extent someone becomes happy from working from home. The extensive information can be found here.

Other applications are:

  • Career advice
  • Team analysis
  • Conflict management
  • Guiding transformation processes

Curious about the possibilities? Feel free to contact us here.


BasicProfileScreen® is continuously improving and developing unique features. The job-fit-score is one example and the development report enables us to inform people about the evolution of their professional personality.

Since Covid-19, we have a new feature. We can now measure whether working from home is a curse or a blessing for someone. This is included in our extensive report.

Want to know more about BasicProfileScreen®? Click here!

Want to know more? Contact us!