“Doing” means working with your hands or making physical efforts.

The higher the score on “doing”, the more people prefer to work with their hands. They often prefer a job where handiness comes in handy. They are practical, like precision work with the fingers and don’t mind physical effort. This can manifest itself in various areas; physical work, creative use of materials, sports, making music, surgery…

Job options: All functions where physical labour or action is involved; care, technical maintenance, physiotherapist, yard work, dock work, warehouse worker, trucker, (animal) care, dentist, factory worker, farmer, ironing service, cleaning, surgeon, cook, sculptor, para, practice teacher or – physical education, musician, hairdresser…

The lower the score on “doing”, the less willing people are to earn their living with manual labour. They have other assets with which they enter the labour market and prefer to leave the physical work to others.

Job options: Functions that involve little or no manual labour/physical effort. The higher your diploma, the lower the chance that you have to work with your hands, except as a lab technician, physiotherapist, nurse, surgeon, …

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